Thursday, October 26, 2006

3:41pm - Eric still has his eyes open today and is moving his left hand, arm and leg by himself. He's not being very responsive to commands however; we continue to work with him. His vitals are good and his temperature is normal.

9:00am - Eric had his eyes open most of the day yesterday. Last night, while his sister was talking to him and telling him to move his hand, he moved his fingers then his left hand for a few minutes. We're still not sure if its by command or just movements but we keep trying.


Tim said...

Sam - just wanted to know our prayers are with you and Eric. He's young and needs time to heal. Hang in there, be patient and pray. We're pulling for you.


Leslie said...

Father God,

We lift up this wonderful young man to you
and seek your miraculous healing touch for
his life. Please shower this family with your
love and comfort. Give them a sign today
that Eric is hearing every thing they say to him.
We pray for complete restoration for Eric, Lord,
that he might be a mighty warrior for you and
give you all the glory for his recovery.

Lord, let this dear family be united in speaking life and hope into Eric's life. Let there be no pressure
to remove his care prematurely by the medical facility. We praise you and thank you for his survival.

In the mighty name of Jesus,
