Monday, October 23, 2006

10:42pm - Eric's neuro-surgeon did not have good news. He said that Eric is not making the progress that he expects. In regards to other tests, he said the only one that matters is Eric waking up and being alert and responsive. Tonight is Eric's 22nd night in the hospital and intensive care. We really need a miracle in the next few days so please keep praying for God's intervention.

2:26pm - Eric has picked up two infections that are associated with being in a hospital. The doctors are going to move him into an isolation room either later today or tomorrow morning.

The physical therapist is here to show us exercises (move his arms, bend his elbows, lift his legs...) that we can do for Eric 2-3 times a day. When the therapist put a sponge drenched in Cepacol mouthwash around his nostril, he turned his head. She repeated that several times and he acknowledged by moving his head away from the smell. The therapist suggested that we try different smells to stimulate his brain (colognes, perfumes???).

We have a meeting with his neuro-surgeon between 4:30 and 5 this afternoon.


Anonymous said...

I spoke with Staci Wahls today and gave her your blog address. She works somewhere else now, but we remain in touch. She was devastated to hear what Eric, you and your family are going through. Expect a comment and contact number from her soon, as I know you are all in her prayers.
Sandy and I are planning on taking you to lunch and get you out for a while this week. Let us know when.
As always, thinking of you and your family, Deb

Anonymous said...

This may sound weird, but ask if you can speak to a speech therapist . The only one I know of over there is Pediatric, but if you can get a hold of one, ask if they can get some sprays for you. They (the speech therapists) use them for children to teach them to respond to different foods. However, they also smell very strong (i.e. orange, peppermint, chocolate, etc.). You might also be able to spray some on a tooth-ett sponge and swab his mouth with it to see of he reacts.

We continue to keep you all in our prayers.

Ignore the negative comments. Those people obviously have never had to be in your position. Their life must really be sad to try to make you feel worse about yours. Frankly I think it says a lot that they have the guts to make negative comments about the decisions you are making for your son, but don't have the guts to sign their names.

We will keep you in our prayers.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I live in Rossville and have known Danyale and her family for years. Just want to let you know that many are praying for your son, Eric. I'm sure God will guide you to do what is best for Eric and your family.

God Bless You All.

Anonymous said...


I am from southern Ohio and have been following your sons situation with much prayer. I am an ordained minister who believes in the power of prayer and God's healing power. I write because 11 years ago, my brother was in a similiar situation. He was a victim of a tragic beating and left for dead. After a few weeks in the head trauma center in Columbus, we were given very grave news. My brother would not come out of his coma and if he ever did it was a 90% chance he would be in a vegatative state for the rest of his life. At best case he would be permanently paralyzed on his left side. I told the doctor that day, that I needed an answer from a different doctor (God)

We never gave up hope and after moving him to a nursing home that also specialzed in rehab, we got a break through 7 or weeks so in. Yes, God performed a miracle and after 10 plus weeks, my brother came out of his coma. After a long period of rehab,suffering, and even frustration, my brother was able to talk, walk, and even today plays Golf. I serve a God that is able. Please let God drive Eric's mother and your decisions. God knows best.

Continally in our prayers.

Rev. Rob Hitchens
Chillicothe, Ohio