Sunday, October 15, 2006

3:31pm - Eric is doing well and looks GREAT considering all the surgeries he went through. His ICP (brain) pressure is holding pretty steady around 13. His vitals are good with the exception of his temperature, it's a little high(around 102). The nurse said that this morning when she applied pain to his left toe, Eric moved his left leg and his head from side to side. Eric is completely off of sedatives and now is only on pain medication (morphine). Additionally, the doctor is trying to get him off the drainage valve in his head as it cannot stay there more than 24 hours from this morning without significant risk of infection. If required, the doctors will put another valve on the other side. Tomorrow, the doctor plans on putting a feeding tube in his stomach.

Danyale's second surgery was successful. The doctors were glad that they went back in to add the rods as the cage they put in the first surgery had shifted. These new rods will keep her back strong. Danyale's mother said that Danyale is sitting in a wheel chair and anxious to visit Eric.

Please keep your prayers coming for these two wonderful kids. Thanks...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad to hear that Eric's surgery went well. I work with Eric at Red Lobster. He has been in my thoughts and prayers ever since the accident. Going to school in Charleston, Illinois, it is hard for me to make it to Champaign to visit Eric and Danyale so this blog has been my way to check up on them. I know Eric has a very strong will and I know he will make it through this. Thank you so much for all of the updates. You and your family will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.