Monday, October 09, 2006

6:30am - Eric is still not showing any sign of consciousness however; he is coughing and breathing somewhat on his own with help from the machine. His ICP (Inter Cranial Pressure) is still a little high, it fluctuates between 18 and 25 with spike up into the high 60s (when he coughs).

For all those who left comments, please know that we really appreciate your kind words, good thoughts and prayers. I will get back to each of you once I can get some time.

Eric needs a miracle. Does anyone know where we can get one? My faith has always been strong however; each day I see Eric with all the tubes and machines he's connected to, I keep asking GOD where are you? I know the world is full of hurt, hungry and suffering people and that I should not be so selfish but how can I help it? He's of my flesh and blood. He's my son. He's all that I am. He's my future. He has the biggest heart of all.

I'm sorry, I'm bambling on, it's early and I'm tired. I know the doctors don't like me here but I really don't care. Today is going to be a stressful day for all of them and all of us. I need answers and they need to provide them.


Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I just watched our local news and seen Eric's report. My husband and I are motorcycle riders as well and were in a accident April of 2005, our injuries did not in anyway compare to Eric's we were very lucky. Our prayers are with Eric and his family as I know this is a difficult time for all. I will be thinking of Eric's girlfriend in prayer as well.I do not know Eric nor his family but have two boys of my own so can only imagine the grief you must be going thru at this time . Wishing for you and Erics mother much strength to get thru the days ahead. I will certainly be checking the sight on a daily basis to see how both kids are progressing.

Kathie Risner-Dupre said...

Celeste and Sam and family,

I just found out late last night about the accident. Eric is a great kid and is a fighter. I was really glad to hear about this blog so that Joshua and I can keep updated to all of Eric's progress as well as Danielle's. Celeste, please let me know if there is anything I can do for you or Warren here at home. My thoughts and prayers are with you both, your families and with Eric and Danielle especially. We have listed both of them on the prayer chain at both my families churches. When I had my accident I honestly believe the strength of prayer made all the difference.
Love, Kathie and Joshua.

The Powells said...

I do not you personally, but I know you as a parent with a child. You will be in our prayers constantly, and we will check every day to watch the progress of the two children. Use your faith to carry you through, HE will not forsake you.

cmetaylor said...

I saw the story on channel 3 and I thought that i should share some information. My stepfather had a brain tumor 4 years ago. My mother waited too long for a second opinion and when she received one it was too late. His brain stem had no activity. I do know the name of a wonderful neurosurgeon in Indy. My mom received her second opinion from him and he do another surgery on my stepfather to try and reduce the swelling and it did reduce the swelling but it was too late. I know that things are very hectic right now for your family but if you are interested in the surgeons name and phone number I will give it to you. Please email me at My prayers are with eric and your family at this time.

goddess said...

Morning guys,
Just wanted to say that Eric is in all our prayers, and we have so much faith that he is going to be better soon. Everytime i go see him their is improvement & that to me is God's miracle. Slowly but surely, and with everyone's prayer Eric is getting stronger & so are our prayers. I just wanted to say, that i have seen so much love from the strongest parents ever. Our prayers are with you all as well.

tinisha said...

I just want to thank you for allowing me to tell Eric's story last night. I appreciate your family talking to me at such a terrible time in your lives. I hope getting Eric's story out there brings you at least some comfort from others. I will pray for you and your family.
Again, thanks for sharing your story, and for letting me tell it.
Tinisha Shade

allison deen said...

Hi, I'm Allison Deen. I met eric while working at Red Lobster. I have been getting updates from Nikki and calling the hospital. Eric has been in my prayers everyday since the moring I heard of the accident. Eric reminds me of my little brother, which created a fast friendship. He is a wonderful, funny, heart filled young man. I'm with you on why couldn't this happen to so someone who is bad. One wonders, but if we keep reminding god what a great person Eric is, he will listen. Seems as if there is some slow progress. Slow will get there. We all can't wait to see him up and giving us a hardtime. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Allison Deen

Lam said...

Good Morning,
Just wanted to send my love and support to Sam, Donna, Angela and Celeste. Eric is my nephew and I love him very much. All of us do. He is Sam's son and that makes him special and wonderful. He is as smart, handsome and kind as his father and sister. We love you Sam and we don't want you to lose faith. Their are people praying for Eric all over the Nation. We will not stop! He is in God's hands and miracles do happen. Don't lose your faith!! Remember, your family is here for you!
Love Lam

Celeste said...

I would like to thank everyone for the many acts of kindness that has been shown to our family this past week. Thanks for the prayers, tears, hugs, support and concern that you have shared with us. Please continue to pray for Eric's healing and for Sam and I to make the best possible medical decisions for Eric. Thank you all and I encourage you to use this site to coninue to tell the Eric stories that we all have. It helps to keep his spirt alive right now and keeps his dad and I smiling.

Thank you all.

marguerita said...

My love, thoughts and prayers are with Erics' and Danyales' family. Eric and Danyale are in my thoughts and prayers everyday. I believe in the power of prayer. I also believe in their strength.

Unknown said...

Hi, I don't know this family personally, but I heard of this misfortune through one of Angee's friends. I am from Toledo, Ohio and I want you to know that I have asked for Eric and Danielle to be put on a Prayer Chain at my church. Believe me I know the power of prayer, my niece was also in an accident, she wasn't supposed to make it to the hopital, but she did and she made it through numerous surguries, and I believe this happened because of Faith, Prayer, and Hope! I know at times things are going to look hopeless, and you are going to feel like throwing in the towel, but don't, remember there is always light at the end of every tunnel! It might take a while to get there, and there might be set backs, but you'll get to that light! Eric, his family and Danielle will continue to be in my heart, thoughts, and prayers! Stay strong and keep the Faith!

Tracy said...

Dear Sam, I have been thinking alot about what has happened to Eric and Danyale. They are my co workers but most importantly my friends.. It`s all just so unfair.
I came across this quote recently and thought of you. "Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.” You have been so strong during what I`m sure must be the most difficult time of your life.
The web site you have created for everyone and the daily updates is comforting...thank you! Hang in there- Eric will draw from your strength.
My thoughts are with you and your family, Tracy Carpenter

Anonymous said...

I stand with you in prayer during this difficult time, this painful time, this faith testing time and I pray that through it all you will be reminded that God's promises are true. He is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. His name is a strong tower and the righteous run into it and they are safe. When doubts fill our minds and our hearts are in turmoil, He quiets us and gives us renewed hope and cheer. I trust Him to meet your every need, to strengthen you, encourage you, uphold you and touch those most needed places in Eric and say "live again." He is able!

Eileen -Cedar Rapids