Tuesday, October 17, 2006

2:36pm - According to the doctor,there was no change in Eric's CT scan from this morning with yesterday's. As a result, they are preparing to move him out of ICU and into a private room on the 4th floor. This is a concern for me as they will not have all the monitoring equipment in place and will default to manual monitoring every 4 hours.

It's really all up to Eric and God now. He has to regain consciousness and be able to respond to stimulation. By the end of this week, if no change in Eric's situation, they will have to move him into an extended care facility outside the hospital. Since Eric's residence is Illinois, we have to move him somewhere in this state (the first place that has a bed open) until all the paperwork has been completed and filed with other states to see if they will accept him.

Again, we want to thank all those that have been sending cards, flowers, plants, cookies, stories of friendship, good thoughts, and especially prayers... We really appreciate it.


Anonymous said...

My heart goes out to you and your family during this difficult time, this waiting time, this faith testing time. I want to encourage you that God's promises are still true...He is near to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are safe. When doubts fill our minds and our hearts are in turmoil, He quiets us and gives us renewed hope and cheer. Know that I am agreeing with you for God to do exceedingly far above all we can ask or think possible and I pray He will speak to those places in Eric that need it most and say "live again." He is able!!

In Christ,
Eileen-Cedar Rapids

Anonymous said...


You don’t know me, but I’m Chase Wilson’s Dad, which is a very good friend of your Son. I just got the news today about the accident. I’m sorry for the late response on my part, but it is not too late for my prayers.

Our prayers down here in Texas will be for Eric and his girlfriend Danyale, as well as your whole family during this time of trials and tribulations’. Since I have a Son, which is Eric’s age I can relate, but I can never know what this must be like for you to go through.

I can only have faith that our prayers and support can help ease your mind, body and soul during this time. “God Speed”

Tonight I shall pray to “God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit”, for Eric and Danyale regarding their health, healing and well being.

Never give up the faith my friend, because of what Paul, or before he met “Christ” was known, as Saul of Tarsus wrote to the Hebrews and Corinthians:

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen”. Hebrews 11:1… This scripture is very important, because things are not as they seem and others will try and convince you differently. “Don’t listen to them”!

“While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen, for the things, which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal”…
2 Corinthians 4:11…

In His Service I Pray,


Anonymous said...

Dear Sam and Donna,
Got this address from Mary last night. Eric and both of you have been in our prayers and constant thoughts each day since the accident. Don't give up hope Sam. God works miracles EVERY DAY. As a ex-nurse I witnessed many miracles. We will continue to pray and check this blog daily to see any changes although Mary and Mark keeping us posted daily also. God be with you all. Jane and Jerry