Monday, October 16, 2006

7:59pm - The doctors removed the feeding tube from Eric's nostril and inserted it into his stomach. Eric's face looks so good. It's still swollen but it's nice to see his face without tubes all over. After a consultation with the neuro-surgeon, we agreed to let him remove the shunt / valve that has been used to reduce his pressure. The doctor believes that Eric does not require it but if tomorrow the CT scan shows different, then he will insert a new shunt on the opposite side. Additionally, the doctors suggested that a filter be inserted in his veins to protect clots in his leg to travel to his lungs. We have decide ti wait in this as 30% of the time, the filter cannot be removed. For now, they will continue to monitor the clots for movement.

It's critical that Eric regains consciousness as soon as possible. After 30 days, his chances for recovery diminish each day. For the most part, Eric is now breathing on his own without the ventilator but still getting oxygen.

We will continue to talk to Eric and see if we can get him conscious again. He needs to respond to our commands. Please keep the prayers coming. Thanks all.

2:25am - I would like to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers for my son Eric. God is listening. Eric has survived over 14+ days and 11+ hours of surgery. In order for Eric to improve, he has to wake up, the sooner he does, the better his chances are of recovery.

I need your help again. This whole week, each day at noon, please think a good thought and / or say a prayer for Eric and please pass this request along to as many people as you can. Eric can use all the prayers we can give.

While we are praying for Eric, it wouldn't hurt to maybe include the following prayer:

"Gracious God, suffering seems to eagerly eat at the edges of life until people are worn down with sadness and despair. Even though I do not understand the reasons for suffering, I believe that you are a God of love, a God of compassion. I pray that you will be with all those this day that are in pain, who suffer silently and alone, who feel abandoned and left by the side of life’s road. Wrap your arms of grace around them, until they know they are safely held in your embrace. And, I pray, that you will fill my heart with the same compassion, and give me eyes to see how I can lovingly be a part of their healing. I ask this for the sake of your great love. Amen"


Anonymous said...

Hello. My name is Bryan Porter. I dont know much about you or eric and im really sorry to hear about the unfortunate accident. I do, however, know danyale very well. Im from rossville and I grew up with danyale and we were the best of friends at one time. However, things kinda changed because of college and i am now serving in the military and im in South Carolina. Im not a real religious person but ill say a prayer or two for your son and danyale and hope all is well. You can reach me at if you need too! Hope all is well and may God be with you during these rough times.

Anonymous said...

To all of Eric's family,

I am so sorry to hear about this tragic accident. Eric and I were very close in high school and even after that. I have very fond memories of us hanging out and having such a great time together. He taught me how to drive my first car which was a stick shift.(oh the patience he had with me)Eventhough time has passed and life took us in different directions, I will always think of Eric as a close and dear friend. God has a plan for Eric and we may not know yet what that may be but, I will pray for God to keep him close and help him heal.

Anonymous said...

Celeste, Sam,and Angie,
We are so sorry to about eric.He is a very good friend to both of us. We have been keeping him and all of his family in our prayers. Plese if any of you need anything at all please call. We would do anything at all to help. We love you Eric and hang in there... we have all the faith in you. Celeste call me when you get a chance i dont know how to get ahold of you.

Jason and Steph Miller

Anonymous said...

To Eric & Family
I am so sorry to hear about the accident. A frind from high school sent me this website, and I think it is great that you up date it to keep everyone posted on his condition. I know Eric from high school and this a such a tragic thing that happend. Eric is a strong person and I am sure he will pull through. My thoughts and prayers are for Eric, Danyale and the families.
Jennifer (Nicholl) Harshbarger

Anonymous said...

Dear Eric and family thank you guys for posting this blog about Eric...I work at redlobster with eric.. I only get to work on sundays, and i dont hear much about him other than this blog...I go to a private catholic school and all the classes pray for him everyday... we hope the best for him...we know that God is up there looking after him...before we even know it he will be back making us all laugh...

-Casey Smutz