Saturday, October 21, 2006

2:34pm - The doctors inserted the filter in Eric's artery this morning. They had to use a permanent filter rather than a temporary. At 11:30 this morning, they took Eric off the ventilator and he is breathing on his own with only an oxygen mask. His vitals are stable and his temperature is down to around 99. He's moving his left hand and fingers which is encouraging. I'm trying to work with him on giving signals with his left thumb (once for yes and two for no). Right now he's resting comfortably.


Anonymous said...

Hello all. One thing to remember here is that the people that have made comments, maybe a little less favorable than others have are people that have actually physically SEEN Eric in the condition that he is presently in. They have seen the condition that his family is in and have actually got to hear the factual information that the doctors have said. Eric's condition is not as "hopeful and progressive" as we have been led to believe. He has a huge mountain to climb in terms of recovery and it is yet to be known IF he will recover to any condition that ERIC himself would find acceptable. Those of you, who know him like I do, know that Eric is not a man who would settle for less in life. He would not like to be paralyzed; he would not like to never be able to learn again, never be able to talk again, and never be able to take care of himself again. Personally I think that it's hard for most of us to come to terms with the thought of losing Eric, either as a whole or just losing him the way he was. I know that me personally, I’m devastated at the thought that I would never have my little brother in my life again. I haven’t accepted that thought yet. It's not easy to accept however, we have to attempt to keep an open mind on all outcomes. It's very important to have faith and be hopeful, but with that, at some point we have to take a step back and consider the not so positive side of Eric’s injuries. That doesn’t mean we have any less hope or faith. I’m not trying to take away anyone’s hopes, and I’m not losing hope myself, but I think that it’s only fair for everyone to know what the doctors and facts are saying. This isn’t my opinion. My opinion is biased because I do love my brother. These are just the facts that are being told to us by the doctor and the information available about his injury. Do you all know that he will be paralyzed on his right side? Do you know that he is having bouts with infection and blood clots? Do you know that he has not shown the doctors any signs of responsiveness to their tests? Do you know that he has opened his eyes but not shown any signs of awareness, but coma patients do open their eyes they say? Do you know that every day after 30 days of Traumatic Brain Injury with no responsiveness, his chances for recovery diminish daily? Do you know that if he comes out of this coma after 6 months, there is a 65% morality rate within 5 years of waking up? Do you know that if he starts to respond, the doctors said that he will need assisted living for the rest of his life? That he will have behavioral issues, may have visual impairment, speech impairments and may not have the ability to keep a short term memory? I pray to god every day that he does overcome his injuries, BUT I am aware that there is a chance he may not. Please understand I have not given up on my brother. I love him so much and I don’t want to let him go. I just think it is important for us all to be aware of the situation. I challenge you all to look into his most severe injury. It’s called Traumatic Brain Injury. Look at the facts, the studies, and the information please. You will then understand the mountain Eric is trying to climb. If you see stories of hope with TBI, please send them to us, if you see treatments or more research, please send them to us. Again, Please don’t take this as anything more than me trying to make people aware of the less positive side of my brothers “recovery”. Please keep praying for him, please keep hoping for him, please keep loving him. I think, well I hope that if we do it enough, maybe, just maybe we can make a miracle happen.

Dawn said...

Sam, I'm so happy to hear that Eric came through the surgery well and is moving his hand and fingers. I would think that recovery would be very, very slow with these injuries, and I personally applaud you for your positive attitude.

Dawn - who's fighting cancer and hopes that my family would fight as hard as Sam is if I were in Eric's situation.

Anonymous said...

Iv only known Eric for a short time, sense him and my sister moved in together last year soon after i had my daughter so about a year now... but I know what an amazing person he is .. and I know if he is that amazing then he must have got it from his family... You all are going through soo much and and being so strong and Im sure it has to be the hardest thing you have ever done, to see your son/brother lay there so helpless when he is the one that is always helping the ones that seem so helpless... I beleave in miracles but I also know sometimes you have to face the facts in life... Hard as they may be... Im sorry for all you have been through... I look back a few weeks ago when Erics dad and wife were standing outside my sisters room talking to my mom and I walked out crying and said "I cant take seeing her like this" It seems so selfish now that I look at it.. because Im not looking at my sister in the same condition you guys are seeing Eric... Yes it is hard to see danyale like that because she is one of the strongest people I know and I admire her and look up to her. I hope for the best and I will continue to prey and keep Eric in my thoughts... If there is anything I can do just please let me know... I will help in any way I can..

You can e-mail me for anything you need-

Anonymous said...

Sam and family
Eric is in God's hands, so let God do his work. He is a merciful God and knows the future, and he will do what is best for Eric and the family.
The Powell's

Anonymous said...

You all are in my prayers everyday. This blog helps a lot because it is truthful and it lets all of us, who deeply care about eric, know what's going on. If you don't think this blog is truthful than stop reading it and blaming his family. The only people who truly know what's best for eric is himself and his family. Yes we can pray for eric but we need to realize what is happening and think on the encouraging side. When God wants to intervene and do miraculous things to eric he will. God is an awesome God and knows what will become of eric's future. Have Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and see what happens!

Anonymous said...

You and your family are in our prayers every day...

Angela - I understand what you are trying to say...I want to give you a look on the other side...

2 years ago, my son was in much the same state as your brother, not from a car accident, but from negligent care by a doctor. I was told many of the same things you have been told. My son is now learing to walk and talk. While he is much younger than Eric, please do not give up the fight. Eric might suprise you. He might wake up and be happy to be alive, paralyzed or not. He also might be "locked in", unable to move or react, but understanding everything that is going on around him.

I agree that you need to look at all of the facts first. Just don't give up yet. I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers. You will all know when the right time comes to make the hard decisions. Don't be pressured by doctors, or friends, or even family to do what you know in your heart would be the right thing for your brother.

I was never lucky enough to meet Eric, but he sounds like a wonderful person, and he is lucky to have a sister with such common sense.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry that such a horrible thing has happened to your family, but at some point you might have to think about how much this boy is being tortured. Torture is what is actually is just so that the family can feel better.

Anonymous said...

To whoever posted above:

It is alright for you to have your opinion, but I do not feel that this is the type of comments this family needs right now. You do not know what his family is going through and you do not know what you would do in less you were in this situation.
I believe that they are making sure they give Eric every opportunity to fight and make it through. Would you just give up on your son? Are you a parent and understand the relationship you have with your child no matter waht?
I know everyone means well and are trying to think of Eric, but lets snot be judgemental but supportive!!
Eric, family, and friends are all in my prayers daily. We will all make it through this together.

Sam, Celeste, and Angie you are especially in my thoughts and prayers. I know that you are doing the right thing in giving Eric every chance he possibly has. I know you all will make the right decisions for him, as you always have, no matter what you decide.
I support you.
I continue to also pray for Danyale. It is good to hear that she is doing good and in rehab. Her famly is also in my thoughts and prayers.