Wednesday, November 01, 2006

5:17pm - Eric had a full day and is really exhausted. Eric had almost 5 hours of therapy today but unfortunately he really didn't show any signs of alertness. He's coughing more today and the infection is still hanging on. They have moved Eric into a private room where it's very quiet. Each day, I believe he's getting weaker and more fragile.

I would like to ask those of you that visit Eric to skip this week as to give him more time to rest and ensure that he is not exposed to any other infection.

10:52am - Met with the rehab doctor this morning. He did not have good news. The doctor said that all the movements that Eric is making are basic and that Eric is not aware of his surroundings or the people around him. He did not think that aggressive therapy will help and recommended that we move him into an assisted living facility that also provides basic rehab capabilities. The doctor did not give Eric high chances of recovery. The hospital will most likely release Eric to a nursing home by the end of this week.


Jeanne said...

Sam, I am so sorry to hear this. I don't know what to say. Just know that we continue to think of you and your family, and we continue to pray for you and Eric. May God grant you the wisdom and peace that you need as you go through this very difficult time. We love you, Sam.

Anonymous said...

Dad, You know that I really don't get on here that much, but since i have left, i have had to rely on you and mom for any information for eric. I am so sorry that i cannot be there for you guys physically right know. Know that I love you three very much and I am with you in spirit. I'm not a very spiritual person, but saw a prayer today and it seemed very fitting. Maybe you can say it and know that I'm saying it with you. Maybe then god will heal Eric the way he sees fit, however that may be.

"Loving Father, hear my cry for relief, as well as the relief of those I love, from agony, burdens, and suffering. By the power of the Holy Spirit, answer in amazing and miraculous ways, so that we may not only be relieved, but in such a way that you may be glorified. In the wonderful Name of Jesus I pray. Amen." Pslams 4.

Know that i love you guys and please kiss him everyday for me and I will keep calling and telling him I love him so much. Please take care of each other. Eric and I need you both.
Love, Angela